Engineering College Aptitude Test (ECAT) (4051) has been quenching the thirst of the students since a past few years providing the students with tips, tricks, and secrets, of aptitude test preparation also giving the students the correct line of action for the mode of preparation for aptitude tests.
- English
- Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
- Three States of Matter Solid Liquid and Gases
- Structure of Atom
- Chemical Bonding
- Energetics of Chemical Reactions
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Solutions
- Chemical Kinetics
- Periodic Classification of Element
- Hydrogen and Water
- S-Block Elements
- P-Block Elements
- D-Block Element
- Introduction to Organic Chemistry
- Chemistry of Hydrocarbons
- Alkyl Halides
- Carbon Compounds with Oxygen Containing Functional Groups
- Chemistry of Life
- Chemical Industries in Pakistan
- Introduction to Physics
- Scalars and Vectors
- Motion
- Motion in Two Dimensions
- Torque Angular Momentum and Equilibrium
- Gravitation
- Work Power and Energy
- Wave Motion and Sound
- Nature of Light
- Geometrical Optics
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Electrostatics
- Current Electricity
- Magnetism and Electromagnetism
- Electrical Measuring Instruments
- Electromagnetic Waves and Electronics
- Advent of Modern Physics