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Register tutors Pakistan, Find a tutor lcoally, reasonable fees

Register as Tutor

If you are looking for students who are seeking tuition then register as Tutor with free. We do not charge any fee for registering as tutor on Moalims. Many students are looking for talented tutors who can help them to get good grades and marks. All teachers and organizations are welcome.

All Nazira Quran teachers are also welcome as many foreign living Muslims are seeking for Quran teachers to teach their children online using Skype, Yahoo messenger or Google talk etc.

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Find a tutor to get help in studies

At you can find a tutor locally or online to help you in getting good grades and marks in your exams. Search from our large database of tutors for free.

We do not charge any fee from students who are looking for tutors.

Select tutor(s) who suits to your educational needs and contact using contact button on tutor details page.

No matter where you are you can find a dedicated tutor to help you in your studies.

Some teachers also provide online tuition using channels like Skype, Yahoo messenger Google talk etc. this type of tuition is very helpful in Nazira Quran.

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Moalims are a private institutional information system with over 2,500 institutes registered from all over Pakistan and growing day by day, by the grace of Allah. It is established in 2009. It will be the largest education information system of its kind in the Pakistan Inshallah. As a global network, Moalims aims to give Parents, Teachers, students and Professionals a quality information and to prepare engaged People/citizens who shape not only the communities they live in, but also the wider world. A project of Web & Network Solutions Limited

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