Confucianism - Confucianism

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Q: what do you know about the religion of Confucianism ?

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1 Confucius (Kung Fu-tzu), born in the state of Lu (northern China), lived from 551 to 479 B.C. He was a brilliant teacher, viewing education not merely as the accumulation of knowledge but as a means of self-transformation. His legacy was a system of thought emphasizing education, proper behavior, and loyalty. His effect on Chinese culture was immense. The teachings of Confucius are contained in the Analects, a collection of his sayings as remembered by his students. They were further developed by philosophers, such as Mencius (Meng Tse, fi. 400 B.C.). Confucianism is little concerned with metaphysical discussion of religion or with spiritual attainments. It instead emphasizes moral conduct and right relationships in the human sphere.
2 Cultivation of virtue is a central tenet of Confucianism. Two important virtues are Jen, a benevolent and humanitarian attitude, and Ii, maintaining proper relationships and rituals that enhance the life of the individual, the family, and the state. The “five relations.” between king and subject, father and son, man and wife, older and younger brother, and friend and friend, are of utmost importance. These relationships are reinforced by participation in rituals, including the formal procedures of court life and religious rituals such as ancestor worship. Confucius revolutionized educational thought in China. He believed that learning was not to be focused only on attaining the skills for a particular profession, but for growth in moral judgment and self- realization. Confucius’s standards for the proper conduct of government shaped the statecraft of China for centuries. Hundreds of temples in honor of Confucius testif’ to his stature as sage and teacher

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