Observations by Spacecraft - Observations by Spacecraft

Observations by Spacecraft (7) Add new question


Q: what do you know about Observations by spacecraft of our solar system ?

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1 Since the start of the space age, a great deal of exploration has been performed by unmanned space missions that have been organized and executed by various space agencies. All planets in the solar system have now been visited to varying degrees by spacecraft launched from Earth. Through these unmanned missions, humans have been able to get close-up photographs of all of the planets and, in the ease of lander, perform tests of the soils and atmospheres of some. The first probe to land on another solar system body was the Soviet Union’s Luna 2 probe, which impacted on the Moon in 1959. Since then, increasingly distant planets have been reached, with probes landing on Venus in 1965, Mars in 1976, the asteroid 433 Eros in 2001, and Saturn’s moon Titan in 2005. Spacecraft have also made closes approaches to other planets: Mariner 10 passed Mercury in 1973. The MESSENGER probe is currently en route to commence the first orbit of Mercury in 2011. The first probe to explore the outer planets was Pioneer 10, which flew by Jupiter in 1973. Pioneer II was the first to visit Saturn, in 1979. The Voyager probes performed a grand tour of the outer planets following their launch in 1977, with both probes passing Jupiter in 1979 and Saturn in 1980 — 1981. Voyager 2 then went on to make close approaches to Uranus in 1986 and Neptune in 1989. The Voyager probes are now far beyond Neptune’s orbit, and are on course to find and study the termination shock, heliosheath, and heliopause. Thus far, both Voyager I and Voyager 2 have reached the termination shock according to NASA at approximately 93 AU from the Sun. No Kuiper belt object has yet been visited by a spacecraft. Launched on 19 January 2006, the New Horizons probe is currently enroute to becoming the first man-made spacecraft to explore this area. This unmanned mission is scheduled to fly by Pluto in July 2015. Should it prove feasible, the mission will then be extended to observe a number of other Kuiper belt objects.

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