Peace - Peace

Peace (61) Add new question


Q: what are the names of Nobel prizes and the persons given to in the field of peace?

Option Answer Is Correct
1 1901 Peace. Henri Dunant Peace, Frederic Passy 1902 Peace, Elie Ducommun Peace. Albert Gobat 1903 Peace, Randal Creiner 1904 Peace, Institute of International Law 1905 Peace, Bertha von Suttner 1906 Peace, Theodore Roosevelt 1907 Peace, Ernesto Teodoro Moneta Peace, Louis Renault 1908 Peace, KIas Pontus Arnoldson Peace, Fredrik Bajer 1909 Peace. Auguste Beeraert Peace. Paul Henri dEstournelles de Constant 1910 Peace, Permanent lnternationai Peace Bureau 1911 Peace, Tobias Asser Peace, Alfred Fried 1912 Peace, Elihu Root 1913 Peace, Henri La Fontaine 1917 Peace, International Committee of the Red Cross 1919 Peace, Woodrow Wilson 1920 Peace, Leon Bourgeois 1921 Peace, 1-Ijalmar Branting Peace, Christian Lange 1922 Peace, Fridtj of Nansen. 1925 Peace, Sir Austen Chamberlain Peace. Charles G. Dawes 1926 Peace, Aristide Briand Peace, Gustav Stresemann 1927 Peace, Ferdinand Buisson Peace, Ludwig Quidde 1929 Peace, Frank B. Kellogg
2 1930 Peace, Nathan Soderblom 193 1 Peace, Jane Adams Peace, Nicholas Murray Butler 1933 Peace. Sir Norman Angell 1934 Peace. Arthur -ienderson 1935 Peace. Carl von Ossietzky 1936 Peace, Carlos Saavedra Lamas 1937 Peace, Robert Cecil. 1938 Peace, Nansen International Office for Refugees 1944 Peace, International Committee of the Red Cross. 1945 Peace, Cordell Hull 1946 Peace, Emily Green Balch Peace, John R. Molt 1947 Peace, Friends Service Council Peace, American Friends Service Committee 1949 Peace. Lord Boyd Orr 1950 Peace, Ralph Bunche 1951 Peace, Leon Jouhaux 1952 Peace, Albert Schweitzer 1953 Peace, George C. Marshall 1954 Peace, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 1957 Peace, Lester Bowles Pearson 1958 Peace, Georges Pire 1959 Peace, Philip Noel-Baker 1960 Peace. Albert Lutuli 1961 Peace, Dag Hammarskjold 1962 Peace, Linus Pauling 1963 Peace, International Committee of the Red Cross Peace, League of Red Cross Societies 1964 Peace, Martin Luther King 1965 Peace, United Nations Children’s Fund 1968 Peace, Rene Cassin 1969 Peace, International Labour Organization 1970 Peace, Norman Borlaug 197! Peace, Willy Brandt. 1973 Peace, Le Duc Tho Peace, Henry Kissinger 1974 Peace, Sean MacBride. Peace, Lisaku Sato 1975 Peace, Andrei Sakharov 1976 Peace, Mairead Corrigan
3 2006 Peace Muhammad Yunus Peace Grameen Bank 2007 Peace Al-Gore Peace IPCC 2008 Martti Ahtisaari

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